Composers For Beauty
International Music Composition Contest 2024
'Amor Artium'

2024 Contest Concept

The First Edition 2024 of the 'AMOR ARTIUM' International Music Composition Contest invites any composer - dedicated to Beauty - to team up with a classical or otherwise highly skilled living Painter or Sculptor and to firstly submit a ONE MINUTE composition respecting the requirements of the Contest Rules that evokes in an effective and skilled way a particular painting or sculpture from the Oeuvre of the chosen living painter/visual artist/sculptor.
The submission of the participant composer must have the following format:
An Art Video, 60 seconds maximum in length (with a music soundtrack of 60 seconds too) and in HD video format (1920x1080 pixel size), featuring a static or animated picture of the chosen painting or sculpture, and with a 60 seconds max. excerpt of an original 3 to 7 minutes original music composition written by the participating composer.cThe composition may be new music, or also music already composed, published or submitted in other contexts or in previous competitions. The audio track must be produced with the best possible quality - be it recorded with real musicians or with electronic/virtual means.
Any music or visual or text or sculpture produced via Artificial Intelligence tools will be not accepted or considered. Willful failure or omission to disclose to the Jury the usage of any Artificial Intelligence tools will be considered severe fraud and will lead to the permanent exclusion of the composer or painter or sculptor from this competition.
The Participant Composer can include 200 words of commentary to be shown under the social media post we will share, and for the 15 judges to use as they consider each part and the expression as a whole.
All other information required by the participation form and complying with the Contest Rules will have to be provided fully, correctly and truthfully when submitting the participation form.
The video and the participant artists' (painter or sculptor and composer) identity info must be submitted via the Participation Form before
Tuesday 2 April 2024 midnight (24pm) (Central European Time).
Past this deadline, any late submission will not be accepted nor considered.
Only ONE SINGLE submission is accepted per participant composer/painter/sculptor association.
The mandatory participation fee for this 2024 Contest is 20 EURO per composer.
The Jury of the 2024 Edition will carefully select 10 (Ten) Winning Laureate Composers from all submissions that respect all requirements as stated in the Contest Rules,
The focus of the Jury will principally be how well the music is written according to the most essential and noble criteria of judgment to assess Musical Beauty (melody, harmony, rhythm, polyphony, counterpoint, form...) , and how convincingly the submitted music evokes and relates to the featured Painter's / Sculptor's work. The purely videographic technical aspects will be considered of secondary importance.
Laureate Announcement will be done via an online videostreaming Laureates Proclamation hosted by Composers for Beauty, and via a publication on our websites and on this contest website.
Every participant submission - winning or not - will be receiving the evaluation notes and comments of the Jury privately via email.
The 10 winners will be exhibited in our musical galleries online and during a 4 days Composers Summit held in Oslo, Norway, from 5 to 9 June 2024, and for 10 more days in June following this summit, as well as possibilities of being included in other exhibitions we will have in our Beauty Composers Houses over time.
To this end, professional art video formats will be created by Composers for Beauty featuring both the 60 seconds excerpts and the full length (3 to 7 minutes) winning compositions.