Dimitri Arnauts (°1973) is a composer and author dedicating himself to uplift and delight hearts, souls and minds,
reaffirming the beauty of melody, harmony, polyphony, counterpoint...
He aims to paint with the countless colors of instruments and voices, and wants to cherish and elevate - through honest search for truth and emotions fully embraced - the dreams voiced, the pains endured and the hopes upheld across our shared humanity.
Since 2001, he has written numerous works of various sizes and settings, being mainly operas, incidental music, shortfilm and animation film scores, cantatas, psalms, oratorios, easter passion stories, masses, concertos, symphonies and symphonic poems, suites, and other vocal or instrumental works like art songs, chamber music suites, solo intrumental pieces, vocal improvisations and experiments with musical form.
His current catalogue features about 1300 (multi-movement) opuses, and about 800 more works are in various stages of completion.
As an autodidact progressing through free and autonomous research and practice, Dimitri feels free to follow the paths of his heart and of his conscience - in the aesthetics of his music as well as in the emotional range expressed by it - desiring to promote and elevate positive ideals and values through his compositions, often using his own poetry, lyrics or librettos.
He performs this artistic duty to the best of his abilities, in recognition of received graces and gifts, having nothing in sight but the elevation of the human spirit and condition, the delight and bettering of the souls, and the enchantment of the hearts within his audience.
Loving to be humbly at the service of Goodness, Truth and Beauty, Dimitri decided - from his music writing beginnings on in 1994 - to establish the foundations of his musical practice upon the Western Classical tradition of tonal harmony, euphony, complex polyphony, fugue and counterpoint - all broadly understood with their full stylistic diversity and integrating their ongoing evolutions and progression.
This noble and challenging Art of Music Writing, he wanted to rediscover it by himself, and learn to master it in an autonomous manner: without theoretical study or academic recipy-books that would likely have had him ending up petrified, dried out and losing his own path, personality and originality to peer pressure, captive of social compliance and artistic conformity... Instead, by following only the voice of his heart, the means and visions of intuition, the desire of his soul and the capabilities of his spirit.
Musically, Dimitri Arnauts humbly and gladly admits to be a very perfectible and endebted disciple of the great Johann Sebastian Bach, at whose service he had the privilege to be called, moved, formed and inspired - through year-long study and performance practice of his Cantatas, Passion Stories, Masses and Oratorios as a chorister.

Academy Mentor

Dimitri Arnauts
Dimitri Arnauts is a self-taught composer and author dedicating himself to uplift and delight hearts, souls and minds by reaffirming the beauty of melody, harmony, polyphony, counterpoint... painting with the countless colours of instruments and voices.
As an autodidact progressing through autonomous research and practice, Dimitri feels free to follow the paths of his heart and of his conscience - in the aesthetics of his music as well as in its emotional range - desiring to elevate positive ideals and values through his numerous compositions, using his own poetry, lyrics or librettos.
Symphonic composition, Sacred Music, Choral Music, Vocal Improvisation, New Forms & Structures, Lyrics and Libretto Writing, Music & Art Videography, Large Scale Works: Oratorio, Cantata, Opera, Symphony