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Our Activities

Composer for Beauty is an umbrella name for a structured movement that will host and cover different areas of action, mainly through collective or individual mentorship: we plan to invite carefully selected mentees to grow their skills via constructive feedback and expert guidance, we want to attract and invite promising or exceptional composers to make music with full focus during our retreats in exceptional and inspiring places and contexts enabling full dedication and deeper introspection leading to growth and depth of craftmanship.

We want to bring Beauty back into church service and to radiate from the faith communities outwards into the worlsdsof art and culture that are starved from spirituality or elevation. Our planned Houses will be compact but visible exhibition spaces where we will showcase and promote the work of our mentees and cooperators across Art Fields.

We will share our works with potential clients, programmers, curator, conductors, performers and Maecenes via our Marketplace app, on our online channels, and during our public concerts. Our contest will annually make the best among us stick out and be rewarded for their talent and inspiration.

Record professional music videos in beautiful historical buildings while renewing your inspiration.

Advertise your skills and get in touch with potential clients to ignite artistic collaborations and earn revenue

Get more new beautiful music into the churches, and out of the churches into the world of art and culture

Promote your compositions regularly to larger audiences, together with visual arts in urban musical galleries.

Develop the excellence of your music through weekly online mentorship and community support.

Perform your music in collaborative concerts with other composers of new beautiful music.

Areas of Action

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